Bearded Scorpionfish

Bearded Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis barbatus)

bearded scorpionfish koh chang

Image Copyright Hanah Weerkamp

Observed: Koh Chang Reefs, 2015
Observed By: Hanah Weerkamp

The scorpionfish family includes many of the world’s most venomous species of fish. These animals are usually heavily disguised as with the camouflaged, rock-coloured bearded scorionfish. They are opportunistic hunters using their camouflage to get close to prey and then striking rapidly.

Of particular danger to humans are their venomous dorsal spines and they add a practical reason to not put your feet down on the reef – although you wouldn’t want to do that anyway for risk of damaging corals and other delicate organisms.

Scorpionfish Wikipedia

